Jan perfoms all over Europe:
-as a circus performer: club juggling, fire juggling, diabolo juggling, base in acrobatic piramids (the guy at the bottom)
balancing on free standing ladders and chairs,
-as a comedian: improcomedy, street theatre, audience interaction, MC/announcer, improvisation theatre, contemporary clowning
-with a solo act, duo act or trio act
About Jan:
Jan Vermeersch founded his own circus company called Cirq'ulation Locale in 2000 and, as a performer and director, created dozens of productions that played in more than 25 countries on three continents. He took on the roles of juggler, diabolist, ladder balancer and base of human pyramids himself but, above all, provided the humorous note and comic situations in every show. He performed hundreds of acts in solo, duo, trio and group shows.